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Tutorial: Golang

In this tutorial you will learn to setup your environment, create a volume, then take its snapshot, create cloud credentials, and create a backup of the volume.

The sources for this tutorial are available in the examples/golang directory in the repo for this website.

Setting up your environment

To setup your environment, you will need to import the following to gain access to api.pb.go:


go get<release version>


import (
    api ""

Once you have imported this library into your project, you will have access to the OpenStorage SDK Golang client which was generated from the protobuf file api.proto.

With the mock-sdk-server running, the following steps will provide an introduction to programming with the OpenStorage SDK.

Recorded demo setup

Check out the step by step tutorial on how to setup the golang client for production code using Golang dep.

Creating a connection

To use any of the gRPC functions, you must first create a connection with the OpenStorage SDK server:

    // Setup a connection
    conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:9100", grpc.WithInsecure())
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error: %v", err)

NOTE: Notice the call grpc.WithInsecure(). The mock-sdk-server currently supports HTTPS and authentication starting at v0.38.0. See Tutorial for more information.

Cluster operations

Now that we have made a connection, we can use the conn object to create clients for each of the services we would like to use. Let's use the OpenStorageCluster service to print the id of the cluster:

    // Create a cluster client
    cluster := api.NewOpenStorageClusterClient(conn)

    // Print the cluster information
    clusterInfo, err := cluster.InspectCurrent(
    if err != nil {
        gerr, _ := status.FromError(err)
        fmt.Printf("Error Code[%d] Message[%s]\n",
            gerr.Code(), gerr.Message())
    fmt.Printf("Connected to Cluster %s\n",

Notice the status.FromError() call above. As mentioned in the Architecture all errors are encoded using the standard gRPC status. To gain access to the error code and its message you must use status.FromError() which decodes the error value and the message.

Notice also the use of accessors GetXXX() above. These convenient functions are provided automatically by the golang protobuf generator.

Volume Operations

Now that we have connected to the cluster, let's go ahead and create a volume of size 100Gi:

    // Create a 100Gi volume
    volumes := api.NewOpenStorageVolumeClient(conn)
    v, err := volumes.Create(
            Name: "myvol",
            Spec: &api.VolumeSpec{
                Size:    100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
                HaLevel: 3,
    if err != nil {
        gerr, _ := status.FromError(err)
        fmt.Printf("Error Code[%d] Message[%s]\n",
            gerr.Code(), gerr.Message())
    fmt.Printf("Volume 100Gi created with id %s\n", v.GetVolumeId())

Notice the value of Name provided above. This value is important since it allows for the function to be idempotent. In other words, this function will always return the same volume id for the volume of same name.

You can now create a snapshot of this volume:

    // Create a volume snapshot
    snap, err := volumes.SnapshotCreate(
            VolumeId: v.GetVolumeId(),
            Name:     fmt.Sprintf("snap-%v", time.Now().Unix()),
    if err != nil {
        gerr, _ := status.FromError(err)
        fmt.Printf("Error Code[%d] Message[%s]\n",
            gerr.Code(), gerr.Message())
    fmt.Printf("Snapshot with id %s was create for volume %s\n",


In this section we will be making a backup of our volume to a cloud provider. To do this, we must first create a set of credentials which will enable the storage system to save the backup in the cloud.

    // Create mock credentials
    creds := api.NewOpenStorageCredentialsClient(conn)
    credResponse, err := creds.Create(context.Background(),
            Name: "aws",
            CredentialType: &api.SdkCredentialCreateRequest_AwsCredential{
                AwsCredential: &api.SdkAwsCredentialRequest{
                    AccessKey: "dummy-access",
                    SecretKey: "dummy-secret",
                    Endpoint:  "dummy-endpoint",
                    Region:    "dummy-region",
    if err != nil {
        gerr, _ := status.FromError(err)
        fmt.Printf("Error Code[%d] Message[%s]\n",
            gerr.Code(), gerr.Message())
    credID := credResponse.GetCredentialId()
    fmt.Printf("Credentials created with id %s\n", credID)

Notice above the CredentialType.AwsCredential. This is struct was generated from the protobuf concept of oneof. Oneof states that one of these types will be used. In SdkCredentialCreateRequest, oneof is used as a method of determining which type of cloud provider is being requested.

The backup of the volume can now be started with the newly acquired credential id:

    // Create a backup to a cloud provider of our volume
    cloudbackups := api.NewOpenStorageCloudBackupClient(conn)
    backupCreateResp, err := cloudbackups.Create(context.Background(),
            VolumeId:     v.GetVolumeId(),
            CredentialId: credID,
    if err != nil {
        gerr, _ := status.FromError(err)
        fmt.Printf("Error Code[%d] Message[%s]\n",
            gerr.Code(), gerr.Message())
    taskID := backupCreateResp.GetTaskId()
    fmt.Printf("Backup started for volume %s with task id %s\n",

This request will not block while the backup is running. Instead you should call OpenStorageCloudBackup.Status() to get information about the backup:

    // Now check the status of the backup
    backupStatus, err := cloudbackups.Status(context.Background(),
            VolumeId: v.GetVolumeId(),
    if err != nil {
        gerr, _ := status.FromError(err)
        fmt.Printf("Error Code[%d] Message[%s]\n",
            gerr.Code(), gerr.Message())
    for taskID, status := range backupStatus.GetStatuses() {
        // There will be only one value in the map, but we use
        // a for-loop as an example.
        b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(status, "", "  ")
        fmt.Printf("Backup status for taskId: %s\n"+
            "Volume: %s\n"+
            "Type: %s\n"+
            "Status: %s\n"+
            "Full JSON Response: %s\n",

Lastly, once the backup is complete, we can get a history of this and any other backups we have created from our volume:

    // Get history of the backup
    historyResp, err := cloudbackups.History(context.Background(),
            SrcVolumeId: v.GetVolumeId(),
    if err != nil {
        gerr, _ := status.FromError(err)
        fmt.Printf("Error Code[%d] Message[%s]\n",
            gerr.Code(), gerr.Message())

    fmt.Printf("Backup history for volume %s:\n", v.GetVolumeId())
    for _, history := range historyResp.GetHistoryList() {

        timestamp, _ := ptypes.Timestamp(history.GetTimestamp())
        fmt.Printf("Volume:%s \tttime:%v \tstatus:%v\n",

Example output

Below is an example output run of this tutorial:

Connected to Cluster mock

Volume 100Gi created with id 42908221-1e24-4927-b67a-468c8b826b0b

Snapshot with id e24efabc-a2d8-4f11-aa4a-a283623536ae was create for volume 42908221-1e24-4927-b67a-468c8b826b0b

Credentials created with id 3c73dc9f-dce7-4852-b870-79a988ac4440

Backup started for volume 42908221-1e24-4927-b67a-468c8b826b0b
Backup status for volume: 42908221-1e24-4927-b67a-468c8b826b0b
Type: SdkCloudBackupOpTypeBackupOp
Status: SdkCloudBackupStatusTypeDone
Full JSON Response: {
  "backup_id": "ae23bc53-79b9-49a6-9eee-fac66221528e",
  "optype": 1,
  "status": 2,
  "bytes_done": 107374182400,
  "start_time": {
    "seconds": 1531438150,
    "nanos": 856373600
  "completed_time": {
    "seconds": 1531438151,
    "nanos": 856397100
  "node_id": "1"

Backup history for volume 42908221-1e24-4927-b67a-468c8b826b0b:
Volume:42908221-1e24-4927-b67a-468c8b826b0b     ttime:2018-07-12 23:29:11.8563971 +0000 UTC     status:SdkCloudBackupStatusTypeDone


As you can see from the above, working with OpenStorage SDK is quite easy, fun, and powerful. Please refer to the API Reference for a complete list of services.