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The following will guide through some of the features provided by this framework

Containerize tools

The framework provides the latest tools for generating gRPC as a single container called Here is a sample set of targets for a Makefile on how the container can be used to generate gRPC code from your protocol buffer files.

PROTO_FILE = ./api/hello.proto

    docker run \
        --privileged --rm \
        -v $(shell pwd):/go/src/code \
        -e "GOPATH=/go" \
        -e "DOCKER_PROTO=yes" \
        -e "PROTO_USER=$(shell id -u)" \
        -e "PROTO_GROUP=$(shell id -g)" \
        -e "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin" \ \
            make docker-proto

    $(error Do not run directly. Run 'make proto' instead.)
    grpcfw $(PROTO_FILE)
    grpcfw-rest $(PROTO_FILE)
    grpcfw-doc $(PROTO_FILE)

The framework provides a set of grpcfw* programs in a container, to help with the generation of the sources from the protocol buffers file.

Generate REST and swagger APIs

The framework utilizes the grpc-gateway to generate a REST interface for your application. The framework will setup and start the HTTP server and automatically connect it to your gRPC server. The REST APIs will be served by the HTTP server which are then forwared to the gRPC server to be handled.

The framework will also generate a swagger API file which can be provided to REST client developers.

The following is an example of how a gRPC service can be used from a REST client.

// The greeting service definition.
service HelloGreeter {
  // Sends a greeting
  rpc SayHello (HelloGreeterSayHelloRequest)
    returns (HelloGreeterSayHelloResponse) {
      option(google.api.http) = {
        post: "/v1/greeter/sayhello"
        body: "*"

// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloGreeterSayHelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloGreeterSayHelloResponse {
  string message = 1;

Here, the grpc-gateway would use the information located in the option(google.api.http) section of your gRPC rpc to generate a REST call. To enable the REST server for your application, you would need to enable it in your configuration:

    grpcConfig := &server.ServerConfig{
        Name:         "hello",
        Address:      "",
        Socket:       "/tmp/hello-server.sock",
        AuditOutput:  os.Stdout,
        AccessOutput: os.Stdout,
    restPort := "9010"

Once the server is started, you can then use a REST client to send commands to your application:

$ curl  -X POST -d '{ "name": "Luis" }' \
    --silent http://localhost:9010/v1/greeter/sayhello | jq
  "message": "Hello, Luis"

Generate Markdown documentation

The framework also provides protoc-doc to generate Markdown documentation from the comments on your protocol buffers files.


The framework makes it simple to add authentication, authorization, and TLS to secure your application. Authentication and RBAC authorization are provided by a set of interceptors in the gRPC server.

Authentication (OIDC and JWT supported)

The framework support shared secret, public-private key, or OpenID Connect authentication models.


The framework provides (RBAC) role based access control for gRPC services as well as a generic resource authorization model.

TLS support

The framework provides TLS server support.


The framework logs access to the APIs by recording identifying information read from the authentication token of the caller. This is done by an interceptor that is automatically installed by the framework when authentication is enabled on the gRPC server.

Rate Limiter

The framework provides rate limiter support with a plan for future releases tor provide the rate limit per user.

Metrics for Prometheus

Support for Prometheus is provided by go-grpc-prometheus.

API Logging

Like auditing, a logging interceptor is provided which can provide rountrip information for API services.

proto/gRPC build container

All tools and updated libraries are all provided by a container to make it simple to utilize on your projects.